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Hearing Loss Simulation Analysis Hearing Loss Simulation Analysis. Hearing Loss Simulation Analysis

It remains unclear how phonological, orthographic, and semantic skills contribute to reading fluency of Chinese school-age children with HL. The present study explored this issue by examining the performances of children with HL on reading fluency and three linguistic skills compared with matched controls with Ajalysis hearing Hearing Loss Simulation Analysis. Furthermore, the significant contributors to WRF differed between the two groups with PA being the significant contributor in the children with NH while OK being the significant contributor in the children with HL. However, the significant contributor to SRF did not differ between the two groups with SC being the only significant contributor.

These results revealed not only between-group differences but also similarities in the relative contributions Costume Discounter Case Study PA, OK, and SC to reading fluency at both word and sentence levels, which has practical implications for developing better training programs to improve reading for children with HL. Introduction Reading is one of Hearing Loss Simulation Analysis crucial skills for children to achieve academic success because much of what children need to learn is acquired through print once they reach roughly grade 4 Chall, Research has consistently shown that the reading performance of Hraring with hearing loss HL remains significantly worse than that of their hearing peers Wauters et al.

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However, children with HL except for those with early cochlear implantation continue to lag behind their peers with normal hearing NH on measures of reading ability Hearing Loss Simulation Analysis much effort has been put into reading training and literacy education for them Geers, ; Johnson and Goswami, ; Geers and Hayes, ; Qi and Mitchell, ; Harris et al. There are large variations in reading outcomes among the children with HL, and some children's reading ability is even above the average grade level of their normal-hearing peers Geers, ; Vermeulen et al.

Hearing Loss Simulation Analysis

Many previous studies intended to improve reading instructions for children with HL have identified factors that contribute to reading achievements, among which phonological awareness PAorthographic knowledge OKHearing Loss Simulation Analysis semantic competence SC are the main linguistic skills Dillon et al.

In an alphabetic writing system such as English, the association between PA and reading is underpinned by the mapping of graphemes onto phonemes during reading. Specifically, if there is difficulty in identifying a sequence of phonemes in Sijulation, it is inaccessible to represent spoken words as a sequence of corresponding graphemes during reading Cupples and Iacono, Previous studies that SSimulation the cognitive dynamics underlying reading fluency also revealed substantial contribution of PA to word Landerl et al.

In a non-alphabetic writing system such as Chinese, the strong links between PA and character recognition Ho and Bryant, ; Li et al. The association between PA and reading in children with prelingual HL is hotly debated.

Original Research ARTICLE

Some researchers argue that children with HL must learn to represent spoken phonology because the same processes are involved in reading for children with HL as children with NH Musselman, ; Perfetti and Sandak, For example, Colin et al. Dillon et al. However, some studies reported no significant association between PA and literacy in children with HL. For example, Izzo found that phonemic awareness was not significantly correlated with reading ability which was measured by a story retelling task in children with HL of primary school Hearing Loss Simulation Analysis

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