Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay - Custom Academic Help

Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay - consider

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Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay

Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay - happens. Let's

Gold has high thermal and electrical conductivity properties, along with a high resistance to corrosion and bacterial colonization. Jewelry and industrial demand have fluctuated over the past few years due to the steady expansion in emerging markets of middle classes aspiring to Western lifestyles, offset by the financial crisis of — The term "Cash for Gold" refers to offers of cash for selling old, broken, or mismatched gold jewelry to local and online gold buyers. There are many websites that offer these services. However, there are many companies that have been caught taking advantage of their customers, paying a fraction of what the gold or silver is really worth, leading to distrust in many companies. However, most people preferred to carry around paper banknotes rather than the somewhat heavier and less divisible gold coins. If people feared their bank would fail, a bank run might result. This happened in the USA during the Great Depression of the s, leading President Roosevelt to impose a national emergency and issue Executive Order outlawing the "hoarding" of gold by US citizens. There was only one prosecution under the order, and in that case the order was ruled invalid by federal judge John M. Woolsey , on the technical grounds that the order was signed by the President, not the Secretary of the Treasury as required.

These prospects have not previously been drilled tested.

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For Ifluencing, both projects have a large, mineralized footprint and veins in close proximity and distal to a topographically elevated silicified hill, which is interpretated to represent the center of the hydrothermal system in each project. At the Inca Gold Project in Chile, we have now completed a 1,m drill program and are waiting assay results. We look forward to providing updates on both these projects as results are received and interpreted. Each of the three prospects targeted by the drill program represents a distinct preservation level within the local volcanic stratigraphy and hydrothermal system.

The Pellegrini Silica Cap is interpreted to represent the upper levels of the mineralized system, while the southern part of the Estancia trend Estancia Sur represents the deepest level of the epithermal system known to date and exposed at surface. Estancia Sur has, to date, reported the best mineralization at surface, which is hosted in the Influeencing lower Chon Aike stratigraphical unit characterized by strongly welded and brittle ignimbrites.


This lower-level stratigraphic unit is also the target for better mineralized zones further to the north along the Estancia trend Estancia Central and Estancia Norteas well as at the higher-level targets at the Igloo trend and Pellegrini Speech On Vaccination cap prospects. Significant chargeability and resistivity anomalies have been defined, indicating Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay possible presence of sulphides and silica bodies, which could represent zones of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization at shallow depths. Mirasol has incorporated this geophysical data with the results from the surface exploration completed during the previous field seasons to define priority drill targets.

Results along the Estancia Sur Figure 2 trend have outlined a m by m coincident resistivity and chargeability anomaly open at depth. At the Estancia Central trend, the IP survey delineates multiple high resistivity anomalies here a northwest orientation, which are also consistent in strike and dip with the epithermal vein structures outcropping at surface.

Finally, at Estancia Norte, northwest-trending high resistivity anomalies are indicating potential for extension of the same vein structures to the north under shallow post-mineralization cover.

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Figure 2: Estancia Prospect — Resistivity and chargeability depth slices related to Au geochemistry and drill targets At the Pellegrini prospect, located to the east of the Estancia trend, a northwest trending high resistivity anomaly and an adjacent chargeability anomaly are coincident with a 3km long fault Figure 3. A secondary northwest-oriented Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay structure is coincident with quartz veins with anomalous Au and Ag and related alteration zones, which is parallel to and displaced 1km to the west. Figure 3: Pellegrini Prospect — Resistivity and chargeability depth slices related to Au geochemistry drill targets At the Igloo prospect, a chargeability high anomaly is present on the east side of a northwest, prospect-scale, fault bounding block system Figure 4.

Resistivity anomalies are also present along the fault boundary, which is open at depth and coincident with hydrothermal breccia bodies and vein-type mineralization on surface. The strong contrast apparent between the IP chargeability and resistively responses, clearly delineates the trace of a north-northwest trending northeast block down extensional normal fault.

Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay

Figure 4: Igloo Prospect — Resistivity and chargeability depth slices related to Au geochemistry and drill targets Drill Program Mirasol has defined a series of new highly prospective, large-scale targets that are supported by a prospective geological setting, widespread indications of Au and Ag mineralization, and near surface, coincident geophysical anomalies. The combination of these features strengthens the potential for better mineralized Au-Ag veins at depth. The planned drill program at Sascha Marcelina is to include 15 diamond drill holes for 2,m in the three prioritized prospect areas.

Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay

Eight drill holes are to be collared along Estancia trend, four along the principal structures at the Pellegrini prospect, and three at the Igloo trend. Results will be reported as they have been received, reviewed and interpreted.

Five Factors Influencing The Supply Of Diamonds Essay

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