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The lessons picked out were politics,corruption, absolute power,propaganda. The 3 lessons i am going to focus on in this essay is when power is given, then that power is only used to help oneself only and not to the good of the public, in the book absolute power creates corruption and corruption creates propaganda. These 3 lessons most affecting in the book, because after napoleon gets absolute power, he gets corrupted which leads him to changing everything to help himself up. So all these lessons have a connection with each other. Napoleon is misusing the power that he was given to make sure that he would be treated and fed like a king. For example when Napoleon took away those dogs from jessie and bluebell, it could have been for the sake of protection from humans but instead those dogs were trained and used to help out napoleon get his way. Absolute power creates corporation, Napoleon and his pigs got corruption as they held the title of supremacy in the farm. Jones would come back. This is another important lesson learned in animal farm,because propaganda aim is to make someone believe something in particular, it can be both good and bad ways. But in animal farm propaganda is only used to backup Napoleon so his reputation is still maintained and for him to have order among the animals. Examples Of Sexist Propaganda Examples Of Sexist Propaganda

First edition of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Since at least the Middle Agesantisemitism has featured elements of conspiracy theory.

Examples Of Sexist Propaganda

In medieval Europe Examplds was widely believed that Jews poisoned wells, had been responsible for the death of Jesusand ritually consumed the blood of Christians. Forged evidence has been presented to spread the notion that Jews were responsible for the propagation of Communismor the hoax The Protocols of the Elders of Zion which outlines a supposed plot by Jews to control the world.

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Antisemitic theories persist today in notions concerning banking, [95] Hollywood, the news media and a purported Zionist Occupation Government. Fowler and Jeremiah J. Crowley 's The Pope Since the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, anti-Catholic conspiracy theories have taken many forms, including the 17th-century Popish Plot allegations, [] claims by persons such as William Blackstone that Catholics posed a secret threat to Britain, and numerous writings by authors such as Samuel MorseRebecca ReedAvro ManhattanJack Chick and Alberto Rivera.

Examples Of Sexist Propaganda

Theorists often claim that the Pope is the Antichristaccuse Catholics of suppressing evidence incompatible with Church teachings, and describe Catholics as being involved with secret evil rituals, crimesand other plots. Inthe Scottish minister Alexander Hislop published his anti-Catholic pamphlet The Two Babylons[] in which he claims that the Catholic Church is secretly a continuation of the pagan religion of ancient Babylonthe product of a millennia-old conspiracy founded by the Biblical king Nimrod and the Assyrian queen Semiramis.

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Modern scholars have unanimously rejected the book's arguments as erroneous and based on a flawed understanding of Babylonian religion, [] but variations of them are still accepted among some groups of evangelical Protestants. The timing of his death and the Vatican's alleged difficulties with ceremonial and legal death procedures has fostered several conspiracy theories.

Examples Of Sexist Propaganda

The elderly Pope Read more XVI 's resignation in Februaryfor given reasons of a "lack of strength Examples Of Sexist Propaganda mind and body", [] prompted theories in Italian publications such as La Repubblica and Panorama that he resigned in order to avoid an alleged scandal involving an underground gay Catholic network. Many of these cite the Antichrista leader who will supposedly create an oppressive world empire. Various groups both real such as the Vatican and fake such as the Priory of Sion are said to suppress relevant information concerning, for example, the dating of the Shroud of Turin. The perpetrators of this conspiracy are alleged to be non-Muslims and " false Muslims ", allegedly in collusion with political actors in the Western world. While this theory is often referred to in relation to modern social problems and changes, the Crusades are often presented as its starting point.

Love Jihadalso called Romeo Jihad, refers to a conspiracy theory concerning Muslim males who are said to target non-Muslim girls for conversion to Islam by feigning love. Racism White genocide conspiracy theory is a white nationalist notion that immigrationintegrationlow fertility rates and abortion are being promoted in predominantly Examples Of Sexist Propaganda countries in order to turn white people into a minority or cause their extinction.

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Lynchings and racial discrimination were formally described as genocide by the Civil Rights Congress in Malcolm X also talked about "black genocide" in the early s. This phenomenon has spawned theories variously concerning aliens and secret government or military experiments. A study of fake news published by the Shorenstein Center found that "misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right ". Some allegations of false flag operations have Sexisst verified or have been subjects of legitimate historical dispute such as the Reichstag arson attack. Theories may include reference to missile or hologram technology.]

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