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Are mistaken: Examples Of Perseverance In Shawshank Redemption

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Examples Of Perseverance In Shawshank Redemption Examples Of Perseverance In Shawshank Redemption

Hope and our struggles to find it in moments of need are among the core attributes that make us human. For some of us, hope means an endless struggle with despair and adversity in a bid to achieve our dreams. Hope could be as simple, and strong, as the belief that we will overcome our problems. With hope on our side, the world feels like a better place to live in.

Hope in the Shawshank Redemption

Exploring existential themes in prison One of the greatest inspirational movies in this regard is The Shawshank Redemption. If there was any situation in life that could adequately capture what the opposite of hope looked like, this would be it. His predicament could break even the best of us. Andy is Perseverancce first devoid of hope when cast into Shawshank.

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But when he thinks he has a shot at freedom by digging a tunnel out, Reddemption regains his hope and optimism for life. The idea of hope is a matter of constant debate between Red and Andy, the two protagonists. Red thinks the concept futile for a man sentenced to two lifetimes.

But ultimately, hope triumphs in the end as Andy escapes to a beautiful island. And no good thing ever dies. Killing has been painted as something as easy as turning on and off a light switch. In real life though, people feel fear.

Examples Of Perseverance In Shawshank Redemption

War movies often tend to rely on external conflict, like man vs. Saving Private Ryan goes a Exxmples deeper. It explores the humanist elements of war, and how the Second World War impacted the lives of the young men who lived and died in it. Real people feel fear, and people react differently because of it as explored in Saving Private Ryan. Corporal Upham embodies fear, and cowardice if you like, and reacts accordingly in a world very new to him.]

Examples Of Perseverance In Shawshank Redemption

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