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Dorothy Day In Loaves And Singers The Singer Solution To

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Dorothy Day: A Look at the Life of One of Pope’s \ Dorothy Day In Loaves And Singers The Singer Solution To

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On March 4,I was interviewed on "Democracy Now! Barghouti defined BDS as a boycott of all Israeli life, including universities, music, businesses, etc. It seems me that Mr.

Barghouti's version of the means and goals of BDS might depend on and would be Dorothj to result in first demonizing and then dissolving Israel.

Dorothy Day In Loaves And Singers The Singer Solution To

See below for why i think so. I think that is an unethical goal, and therefore unachievable -- and if that were to become the goal and a totalistic version of BDS were to become the practice of those who seek a decent peace in the Middle East, it would prevent the achievement of what would be both ethical and possible -- a regional peace treaty encompassing Israel, a new Palestinian state, and all the Arab states. I therefore support a very different strategy -- also a grass-roots American movement, but this one aimed to bring the US government to insist on ending the occupation, ending the state of war most Arab states still hold against Israel, and Singerr about a just peace between Israel, Palestine, and all the other Ane states. I can imagine a laser-beam tactic of boycotting specific enterprises most related to the occupation that would fit into this approach-- but that is not the totalistic strategy proposed by the BDS ""movement" and Mr.

For details of a laser-beam tactic, see below.

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Indeed, Mr. Barghouti explicitly rejected ending the occupation as the principal goal of his version of BDS. He insisted the key issue is what he calls "the right of return. But that result would shatter any possibility of Israel's having a special relationship with the Jewish people. To create such a state was why Israel came into existence. Dissolving it is so far from acceptable to Israelis that it means a No-Go on all negotiations. Barghouti said he has no Dororhy to a "Jewish state," but that's meaningless under the conditions he proposed.

Dorothy Day In Loaves And Singers The Singer Solution To

His totalistic attack aimed T all aspects of Israeli society is integrally connected with a totalistic demand for dismantling the only purpose for Israel's existence. This ethical failing is connected with the impossibility of getting a majority for this in the US public, and therefore any change in the crucial factor -- US government action.]

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