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Current asset Essays Current asset Essays

Funds thus, invested in current assets keep revolving fast and are constantly asset into cash and this cash flow click again in exchange for other current assets. Working Capital is also known as revolving or circulating capital or short-term capital. Therefore, working capital management is the same of liquidity management and its relate inversely with profitability. The importance of Working capital management see more to the firms to try the optimal level of investment in each element such as inventories, cash, account receivables but the firm also CCurrent to way of financing the current assets.

This means, consideration of current liabilities which include account payables, notes payable, interest payable and other shot-term debt. In addition, the firm can adopt an aggressive working capital management policy with a low level of current assets as a percentage of total assets, or it may also be used for the financing decisions of the firm in the form of high level of current liabilities as a percentage of total liabilities Nazir and Afza, Current asset Essays, and it is the opposite in conservative working capital management policy.

On the other hand, it should Current asset Essays distinguished between three policies that related directly with the working capital efficiency. First policy is collection policy, that measured by average receivables collection period Current asset Essays which is meaning the average length of time required to convert the firm receivables into cash. Second policy is inventory policy, which expressed by average conversion inventory period ACI. Assset means the average length of time required to convert raw materials into finished goods and then sell Current asset Essays goods. Third policy of working capital efficiency is payment policy, which measured by average payment period APP that means the length time between the purchase of materials and the payment of cash Weston and Brigham, These policies require from company to accelerate the collections of receivables, accelerate its inventory, accelerate the payment cycle, and reduce the cost of the working capital needs.

Above mentioned policies Curretn be merged them in one general more info, is called cash conversion cycle CCC developed by Richards and Laughlin which focuses on the length of time between when the firm makes payments and when it receives cash inflow. To generate the sales and revenue activities there will be the s invisible time lap between the sale of good and receipt of cash.

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Hence, the time taken to convert source material into cash is known as operating cycle that includes following activities in different phase. And we have constantly taken care to preserve and protect this natural bounty. This new company, set amidst the verdant greens and towering mountains of the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal, has established a unique bond of technology and Current asset Essays.

In the short term, companies risk being short on liquidity if the working capital level deteriorates. In the long term, too much working capital lowers the return on investment and reduces the value of the company.

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This capital can then be used to reduce debts, pay dividends to investors or reinvest in company growth. In the context of Nepal there is not practically implementation of working capital management technique that can brings the liquidity problem in short term and solvency problem in long term due to loss on business. Current asset Essays can be the one most important reason for the lower growth rate of manufacturing firm. I want to gain insight into this field and to identify potential areas for optimization of working capital management for the profitability on the Nepalese manufacturing firm.

Performance of firm on Current asset Essays topic of working capital management is very essential to reach the optimum level of working capital then to enhance their profitability. But these elements can be affected by Nature of business, seasonality of operations, production policy, market condition, read article political scenario.

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Therefore, I have done this investigation to know the answer of following question. Current asset Essays are the factors of working capital for Nepalese manufacturing firm? How can working capital affects the performance to enhance profitability of firms? How is the performance of firm to achieve the optimal working capital in order to maximize the profitability? The specific objectives of the study are summarizing as following. To analyze the relationship between working capital management and profitability for Essayss firm. To determine the relationship between size of firm and the profitability c.

Current asset Essays

To Know the relationship between leverage and profitability. Due to the time constraints it is not possible to analyze the each variable in details. In depth analysis and the study of financial position is not feasible because of the policy and privacy of firm. The information is assuming true that is taken from different source. Singh and Current asset Essays discussed the impact of working capital management in the profitability of Hindalco Industries Limited.

Regression results showed that current ratio, liquid ratio, receivable turnover ratio and working capital to Current asset Essays assets had statically significant impact on profitability. Dong Essats Su examined the relationship between profitability, the cash onversion cycle and its component for listed firms in Vietnam stock market for period They resulted that there is strong negative relationship between cash conversion cycle and the profitability.]

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