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Communist Ideal Communist Ideal

Communist Ideal - opinion

No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. The supply of goods would be rationed in line with a social credit points system. Shopping in the traditional sense would disappear along with the private purchases of goods. Every personal move would be tracked electronically, and all production would be subject to the requirements of clean energy and a sustainable environment and this is what Pope Francis and the Catholic Church are promoting today. In this nightmarish new world that the Pope and the New World Order are setting up for us, there would be no private ownership of houses, nor would anyone pay rent, because someone else will be using our free space whenever we do not need it!

A system of society in which private property is abolished and all goods are held in Communist Ideal, the needs of each individual being supplied from public sources. It is unfortunate that no clear distinction is made between communism and socialism.

Communist Ideal

The socialists are carrying on a Conmunist agitation which may or may not lead to communism. Communists usually in theory, always in practice, have withdrawn from the general life into separate communities and then followed their plans. It is probably Communist Ideal to say that communism is the radical wing of socialism. Communism should not be confused with the so-called French Communists ofwho were seeking Communist Ideal changes in the communes. A great deal of unwarranted reproach has been put upon communism either through ignorance or because of vagaries attached to many plans for its realization. It is really a reaction against the evils which have, hitherto, at least, always accompanied private property. In reality, too, it is older than the present system.

All historical nations, so far as known, at one time held their land in common, the Communsit having only the use of a portion of it for a certain period. A survival still exists in the Russian Mir. Communist Ideal land seems first to have become private property, the meadows and forests remaining common. In ancient Greece the evils of private property called forth many suggestions of another system.

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These were ridiculed in the popular comedies of the day. Ieeal most famous of the proposed systems is that made by Plato, in the Republic. Private property and private families are Communist Ideal chief influences tending to exalt the welfare of individual over that of the State.

Dispense with these, put men and women on equal footing, and let fitness be the test for positions.

Let the children be educated by the State. Plato never conceived of a democracy.

Communist Ideal

He could not conceive of a State without slaves; these formed the substratum of his Republic.]

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