Christian Iberias This Happened In My Presence - understood
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Jesus is risen! Have you seen the Lord? Have you seen him, still alive in the world, still going about the same kind of work that he had always been up to? Jesus has risen.
Having found that empty tomb, we can leave it behind: we are not searching for the living among the dead any longer. Have we seen our Risen Lord? Now, where was it that we have seen him? And how could we tell that it was Jesus?
These two disciples, Cleopas and an unnamed companion—possibly his wife, for all we know—presumably had at least seen Jesus in person, in the pre-resurrection flesh, so it seems to be only due to a very great distraction or some kind of divine intervention that they do not recognize him as he walks alongside them all the way from Jerusalem to Emmaus. But you know what? Now, if he Hapoened showing off his scars—the holes in his wrists and at his ankles where nails held him to the cross, scars we know he keeps even in his resurrected body—then, I might recognize Jesus. Chief see more and leaders desired his death and handed him over to be crucified. We had hoped that he would be the one to redeem Israel.
Rejoice Evermore!
That is, the Messiah. On the third day, women found the tomb empty and angels said that he Chhristian alive. Some of the men went and found the tomb as the women said, but did not see him. But Cleopas and his companion were sad, even as they reported these to Jesus, who was standing as though a stranger before them.
Jesus has always been the master interpreter of scripture, right? Already, at twelve years old, his questions astounded people and they were amazed at his wisdom.
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And, even if he was talking about himself in the third person starting way back then, how would anyone have recognized it? When Jesus accepts their invitation, they still have no idea who he is. But when Jesus suddenly takes the initiative and becomes the host in the place that he has been invited as a gust, when Jesus blesses and breaks the bread for them, in those actions they finally recognize Thsi. And he vanishes from before their eyes.
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Why do they recognize Jesus at the breaking of bread? Perhaps they were among the thousands on one of the occasions where Jesus blessed, broke, and multiplied bread to feed the crowds who had followed him into the wilderness. Those crowds, too, wanted Jesus to be their king—they wanted a leader to give them independence from Rome, solve their political problems, and bring a peace better than the Pax Romana—a peace that would put bread on their table.]
I am assured, what is it was already discussed.
The question is interesting, I too will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer.
I congratulate, the excellent message