Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Essays - Custom Academic Help

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Essays

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Get your price The Justice System is a abd of agencies and processed made from the government to control the crime and state penalties for the people to do not follow what it says. Every country has their own justice system, all stating different laws and rules to follow. Although we might have some of the same laws, every country has different rules to follow for their land.

The Canadian Justice System was made to guarantee everyone under the law.

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The Canadian Justice System balances individuals rights as members of our society. For example, everyone has the right to drive after a certain age. But to do so, you have to know and follow the rules and laws of the road.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Essays

The legal system is based off of a heritage that says the rule of the law, freedom under the law, democratic principles and Due process. The Due process is the principle that the government must respect all the legal rights someone has under the law. The Justice System is created on the presumption of innocence in criminal situations.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Essays

Which means the famous saying, innocent until proven guilty. With the justice system, the police must state the laws and follow them as well. When someone does not do so, the courts settle the dispute to provide order Canaidan the society and keep a peaceful way to settle it. If someone violates the law three steps would happen; first, a report. If or when someone has broken a law it must be reported to the police for further information.

Canadian legal system essay

CCanadian second step would be the investigation. After the report, the police will then have to look in to the situation and get all the information they will need before going to the step which is arrest. If the police find the suspect and get him or her into custody.]

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