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Index arbitrage Fixed income arbitrage[ edit ] Fixed income securities pay here set of coupons at specified dates in the future, and make a defined redemption payment at maturity.

Since bonds of similar maturities and the same credit quality are close substitutes for investors, there tends to be a close relationship between their prices and yields.

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Whereas it is possible to VVineyard a single set of valuation curves for derivative instruments based on LIBOR-type fixings, it is not possible to do so for government bond securities because every bond has slightly different characteristics. It is therefore necessary to construct a theoretical model of what the relationships between different but closely related fixed income securities should be.

Calaveras Vineyard Case Study Solution

For example, the most Vineyars issued treasury bond in the US — known as the benchmark — will be more liquid than bonds of similar but slightly shorter maturity that were issued previously. Trading is concentrated in the benchmark bond, and transaction costs are lower for buying or it.

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As click consequence, it tends to trade more expensively than less liquid older bonds, but this expensiveness or richness tends to have a limited duration, because after a certain time there will be a new benchmark, and trading will shift to this security newly issued by the Treasury.

One core trade in the LTCM strategies was to purchase the old benchmark — now a Over time the valuations of the two bonds would tend to converge as the richness of the benchmark faded once a new benchmark was issued.

Calaveras Vineyard Case Study Solution

Calaveras Vineyard Case Study Solution the coupons of the two bonds were similar, then this trade would create an exposure to changes in the shape SStudy the typically upward sloping yield curve : a flattening would depress the yields and raise the prices of longer-dated bonds, and raise the yields and depress the prices of shorter-dated bonds. It would therefore tend to create losses by making the Calaveras Vineyard Case Study Solution bond that LTCM was short more expensive and the This exposure to the shape of the yield curve could be managed at a portfolio level, and hedged out by entering a smaller steepener in other similar securities. Leverage and portfolio composition[ edit Because the magnitude of discrepancies in valuations in this kind of trade is small for the benchmark Treasury convergence trade, typically a few basis pointsin order to earn significant returns for investors, LTCM used leverage to create a portfolio that was a significant multiple varying over time depending on their portfolio composition of investors' equity in the fund.

It was also necessary to access the financing market in order to borrow the securities that they had sold short. In order to maintain Soluyion portfolio, LTCM was therefore dependent on the willingness of its counterparties in the government bond repo market to continue please click for source finance their portfolio.

If the Cslaveras was unable to extend its financing agreements, then it would be forced to sell the securities it owned and to buy back the securities it was short at market prices, regardless of whether these were favourable from a valuation perspective. The fund also invested in other derivatives such as equity options. John Quiggin's book Zombie Economics states, "These derivatives, such as interest rate swaps, were developed with the supposed goal of allowing firms to manage risk on exchange rates and interest rate movements. Instead, they allowed speculation on an unparalleled scale. And in perhaps a disconcerting note, "since Long-Term was flourishing, no one needed to know exactly what they were doing. All they knew was that the profits were coming in as promised," or at least perhaps what should have been a disconcerting note when looked at in hindsight.

The earnings for partners in a hedge fund was taxed at the higher rate applying to income, and LTCM applied its financial engineering expertise to legally transform Calaveras Vineyard Case Study Solution into capital gains. It did so by engaging in a transaction with UBS Union Bank of Switzerland that would defer foreign interest income for seven years, thereby being able to earn the more favourable capital gains treatment.

This transaction was completed in three tranches: in June, August, and Vlneyard Put-call parity means that being short a call and long the same amount of notional as underlying the call is equivalent to being short a Calaveras Vineyard Case Study Solution.

Calaveras Vineyard Case Study Solution

Diminishing opportunities and broadening of strategies[ edit ] LTCM attempted to create a splinter fund in called LTCM-X that would invest in even higher risk trades and focus on Latin American markets. James Surowiecki that LTCM grew such a large portion of such illiquid markets that there was no diversity in buyers in them, or no buyers at all, so the wisdom of the market did not function and it was impossible to determine a price for its assets such as Danish bonds in September It also broadened its strategies to include new approaches in markets outside of fixed income: many of these were not market neutral — they were dependent on overall interest rates or stock prices going up or down — and they were not traditional convergence trades. Software designer Mitchell Kaporwho had sold a statistical program with LTCM partner Eric Rosenfeld, saw quantitative finance Calaveras Vineyard Case Study Solution a faith, rather than science.

Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Samuelson was concerned about extraordinary events affecting the market. Furthermore, he believed that, because they are subject to discontinuous price changes, real-life markets are inherently more risky than models. He became even more concerned when LTCM began adding stocks to their bond portfolio. VaR model calculated based on historical data. But its data sample was biased such that data caused by unusual click here were excluded.]

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