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Rainforest trees and flowers are living organisms that support homes and food for many animals and insects. One of those insects is the blue morpho butterfly. The morpho butterfly and changes as it grows up. The blue morpho butterfly starts out as the dew drop like egg. Then when it hatches it turns into a Caterpillar. They have reddish brown bodies with bright line green or yellow patches on their back. Before becoming an adult, Caterpillar has to eat and eat and eat. Then the Caterpillar make something around itself called a chrysalis. Butterfly Essays Butterfly Essays

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Place Order M. David Henry Hwang in his Afterword to M. If we fail to learn about these practices, if we ignore or misunderstand what other societies value, what does that foreshadow for the future in a globally expanding world? Outside sources: Devor, Aaron H. Abelove, M. Barale, and D. Halperin, eds.

Each tells a different part of the story of the Butterfly Lovers. Some of the melodies come from the Chinese Opera of the same name or from traditional Chinese folk songs. The solo violin of the concerto is symbolic of Zhu Yingtai, the story's protagonist, and the cello part is symbolic of Liang Shanbo, her lover. Adagio Cantabile[ edit ] The concerto begins with two fifths in D by the harp, after which a solo flute opens with a flowery melody, setting the scene of the story. A solo oboe enters with the strings in G major, after Butterfly Essays the solo violinist enters Butterfly Essays begins a simple melody. This melody comes from a Chinese folk song of the Yellow River Huangheand tells the story of Zhu Yingtai's childhood.

Butterfly Essays

The solo violin is accompanied Butterfly Essays a harp and other elements of the orchestra. On the road to Hangzhou for her studies, Zhu disguised as a man meets Liang for the first time; a cello solo intertwines with the violin, bringing a new, but still melodious theme and modulating Butterfly Essays D major. As the cello exits, the orchestral tutti plays the same melody of the solo violin, with occasional violin entrances in between.

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As the first buds of love begin to blossom, a short violin cadenza using mostly the Butterfly Essays scale expresses Zhu's joy of her and Liang's oath of fraternity. Allegro[ edit ] The Essayys begins the next section in E major, the violin entering with a fast and jovial melody, representing Zhu and Liang's busy three years of Butterfly Essays. Many examples of violin technique are represented, namely spiccato, fast playing over a wide range of notes, and even arpeggiatos, in a standard display of difficulty for a violin concerto. Adagio assai doloroso[ edit ] As the end of their schooling draws near, Liang and Zhu grow sad as they realize that their time together is nearly over. Zhu invites Liang to visit her family and to court her sister. He doesn't know that Zhu is really inviting him to marry her.

More about Blue Morpho Butterfly Research Paper

Liang promises to see Zhu again, but Liang waits before doing so. Pesante — Piu continue reading Butterfly Essays Duramente[ edit ] When Zhu returns Butterfly Essays, she finds that her father has promised her to the son of a rich family. The solo violin struggles against the forces of the orchestra, representing her protests against Essaye father.

Lagrimoso[ edit ] When Liang arrives, he sees Zhu and realizes that Butterfly Essays is a woman, and they fall in love. The solo violin and cello solo play an emotional duet, one of the most famous and powerful sections of the work. Presto resoluto[ edit ] The love duet between the two Essats replaced by anger as Liang learns that in his absence, Zhu has been betrothed to another. The solo violin launches into a brilliant and difficult passage, supported by chords from the orchestra, but eventually returns to the original melody representing love, accompanied again by the cello solo.

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Liang becomes sick and dies as the duet draws to a close. Another virtuosic section for the solo and orchestra combines both the slow melodies and the fast energetic passages introduced before. The section ends with the suicide of Butterfly Essays as the solo violin ends with Butyerfly abrupt high note.

Butterfly Essays

Adagio cantabile[ edit ] The lovers' parts are united by a final section, with the solo violin and the orchestra redeveloping the opening theme to build to a triumphant climax. The concerto ends bittersweetly with a final melodic phrase from the solo violin, concluding mysteriously on a high D from the Butterfly Essays. In the legend, Liang's grave opens and Zhu throws herself into the chasm; the ending portraying the lovers' transformation into butterflies, never to be separated again.]

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