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Boy At The Window Analysis Boy At The Window Analysis

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A grim video of a Chicago police officer fatally shooting a year-old boy is once again shining a light on the policies that govern foot chases. The mayor's demand was fueled by the release of a video showing officer Eric Stillman shooting Adam Toledo Tne the chest following a foot chase that lasted a mere 19 seconds.

Boy At The Window Analysis

Now a host of questions loom about what, if anything, can be done to reduce the risk of such a deadly encounter. The first answer is this: Pursuing suspects, whether in a vehicle or on foot, can be incredibly dangerous. Here Chicago, five years before Adam Toledo was killed, a Chicago Tribune analysis found that a third of police shootings in the city included foot chases.

Boy At The Window Analysis

There have been scores of similar stories in other cities, including Dallas, where a shooting death led David Brown, the police chief at the time who now heads Chicago's force, to establish a policy that limited foot pursuits. Sort of.

Boy At The Window Analysis

Widow department does not have a formal foot pursuit policy, but says it is drafting one. It Boy At The Window Analysis have a training bulletin that covers when suspects should not be pursued and when deadly force is not justified. The bigger question is why the city has been so slow to enact a policy.

The department already has a strict vehicle pursuit policy that dramatically limits here officers can engage in a car chase. A few years ago, the city entered into an agreement with the state of Illinois that, among other things, called for the department to track the number of foot pursuits.

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Other law enforcement agencies have spelled out what officers should do when suspects take off on foot. That's a question prosecutors will have to grapple with. But it's important to understand that the chase began moments after the sound of eight quick gunshots pierced the air. The officer knew someone had a gun and was willing to fire it in a residential neighborhood in the middle of the night.

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Then there is the fact that things happened so fast: It was less than a second between the time the boy had a gun in his hand and the time the officer shot him as he turned toward him without it. Almost as soon as the Chicago chase started, it ended with an officer facing a suspect Boy At The Window Analysis an alley with nothing between them. While some departments have language in their policies directing officers to weigh the benefits of chasing suspects against the risks to the public, there was every reason for the Chicago officer to believe the year-old was armed seconds after somebody fired a gun.]

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