Borderline Personality Disorder Essay - Custom Academic Help

Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Video

It's not me, it's you … An inside into narcissistic personality disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Borderline Personality Disorder Essay

Personality Borderline Personality Disorder remains a very misunderstood psychological condition.

Borderline Personality Disorder Essay

This is unfortunate because it is a very serious condition that requires proper and effective treatment to reverse. Thankfully, there have been inroads made in providing clear presentations of the condition to the public.

Borderline Personality Disorder Essay

In a way, the title of the film is very appropriate. When someone suffers from BPD, their entire life becomes interrupted. In particular, the Lisa Rowe character that Angelina Jolie plays displays the worst traits of severe mental illness.

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Rowe is extremely belligerent, Borderline Personality Disorder Essay to treatment, and seemingly has an anti-authority attitude. This, ultimately, undermines any progress she may otherwise achieve through her psychiatric treatment. In a way, Lisa uses her condition as a perverse form of empowerment. She is diagnosed a sociopath and this would infer that she has little care what others think of her. Of course, it would also infer she does not worry about the feelings of others. This is why she acts in such a belligerent manner Perssonality other members of the staff.

Borderline Personality Disorder Essay

While her actions do nothing towards improving her condition, it does allow her life to be a little easier in its own somewhat demented way. While Disoeder repeatedly escapes the institution, she consistently returns to it. Granted, it is not always be her own choice but it would seem that at certain times she prefers residing in the institution.

Now, why would this be? It would seem that while Lisa resents her captivity, she enjoys the semblance of security that it provides.

How to get DBT treatment

Lisa suffers from a serious psychiatric condition. And, true, her condition is made worse due to her own actions. This is why she is repeating entering and exiting the institution. While this may provide her with short term relief, it thoroughly undermines any potential progress she could achieve if she ceased her errant and erratic behavior. Yet, she continues her cycle of independence mixed with dependence that does little for improving her condition.

Borderline Personality Disorder Essay

In a way, she is the person who is interrupting her own life with her own egregious behavior. However, it is her responsibility to take the necessary steps to seek to improve her condition.

Borderline Personality Disorder ( Borderline ) Essay

However, she refuses to do this and opts instead to partake in essentially anarchist behavior that does nothing to improve her condition. As such, it becomes difficult to sympathize with her plight since she is so self-centered and self-absorbed.

In light of this, there is certain sympathy present with the character.]

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