Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline - Custom Academic Help

Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline - something

Biography Of Benjamin Franklin Words 3 Pages Franklin was the founder of a number of institutions integral, today, to an American way of life—the first lending library the Philadelphia Library in , the first scholarly voluntary association the Junto or "Leather Apron" Club , the first fire department the Union Fire Company of Philadelphia in , and the postal system. He served as the first Postmaster mGeneral in He wrote and printed the Poor Richard's Almanack, an immensely popular book of homespun wisdom. Benjamin Franklin was as famous as any president, but yet never elected to public office. Benjamin Franklin was a respected hero of America of many talents and accomplishments. First of all, Benjamin Franklin was born at Boston in He was the tenth sibling in the family. He was the son of a soap and candle maker. I was Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century. Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline

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Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline 447
CITIES IN THE PHILIPPINES ESSAYS 1 day ago · Let me make it clear about Writing an Informative Speech Sample Outline. A few examples of the entail figures that are political Nicolas Sarkozy or Benjamin Franklin, or times of all time such as the sinking of this Titanic. After you have your topic, it is time to research your facts. It will always be a good notion to|idea that is good. 2 days ago · American Minute with Bill Federer Insights of Ben Franklin: Printer, Postmaster, Ambassador, Author, Inventor, Scientist, and Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, January 17, , the 15th of 18 children, to Josiah Franklin, a poor Puritan candle and soap maker, and dyer of cloth. At age 12, Benjamin was apprenticed to his brother James Franklin’s print shop. Read . The Constitutional Convention (contemporarily known as the Federal Convention, the Philadelphia Convention, or the Grand Convention at Philadelphia) took place from May 25 to September 17, , in the old Pennsylvania State House (now known as Independence Hall) in Custom Academic Helpgh the convention was intended to revise the league of states and first system of government under the.
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Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline Video

Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech

He studied wind speeds and water currents, their depth, speed, temperature, from the West Indies, along the Eastern coast of North America, and across the Atlantic to Europe, being the first scientist to map the Gulf Stream.


In his Poor Richard's Almanac, MayBen Franklin wrote: "Work as if you were to live years; pray as if you were to die tomorrow. Whoever attempts this aright, and is well qualified, cannot fail of pleasing God and of meeting with success. He wrote in his Autobiography: "About the Yearthere arrived among us from Ireland, a young Presbyterian Preacher named Samuel Hemphill, who delivered with a good voice, and apparently extempore, most excellent discourses, which drew together considerable numbers of different persuasions, who join'd in admiring them. Among the rest I became one of his constant hearers, his sermons pleasing me, as they had little of the dogmatical kind, but inculcated strongly the practice of virtue, or what in the religious style are called good works Those however, of our Congregation, who considered themselves as orthodox Presbyterians, disapprov'd his doctrine, and were join'd Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline most of the old Clergy, who arraign'd him of heterodoxy before the Synod, in order to have him silenc'd.

The Benjamin Franklin

I became his zealous partisan, and contributed all I could to raise a party Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline his favor; and we combated for him a while with some hopes of success. There was much scribbling pro and con upon the occasion; and finding that tho' an elegant preacher he was but a poor writer, I lent him my pen and wrote for him two or three pamphlets, and one piece in the Pennsylvania Gazette of April These pamphlets written by Franklin contained numerous revealing statements, as recorded in The Christian Pamphlets of Benjamin Franklin Fortenberry, ; and Franklin on Faith: The Definitive Guide to the Religion of the First American Fortenberry, : "Christ gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity, and purify to himself a peculiar people zealous of Good-Works.

And there is scarcely a chapter in the whole Gospels or Epistles from which this Doctrine can't be prov'd.

Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline

Samuel Hemphill was removed from preaching at the church. After this, Franklin ceased attending the church, though he continued to support it financially.

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I early absented myself from the public assemblies of the sect . I never was without some religious principles.

Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline

I never doubted, for instance, the existence of the Deity; that he made the world, and govern'd it by his Providence; that the most acceptable service of God was the doing good to man; that our souls are immortal; and that all crime will be punished, and virtue rewarded, either here or hereafter. This respect to Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline, with an opinion that the worst had some good Oufline, induc'd me to avoid all discourse that might Frahklin to lessen the good opinion another might have of his own religion As our province increas'd in people, and new places of worship were continually wanted, and generally erected by voluntary contributions, my mite for such purpose, whatever might be the sect, was never refused He us'd to visit me sometimes as a friend, and admonish me to attend his administrations, and I was now and then prevail'd on to do so, once for five Sundays successively.

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Had he been in my opinion a good preacher, perhaps I might have continued My conduct might be blameable, but I leave Benjamin Franklin Informative Speech Outline, without attempting further to excuse it. The Church of England claimed him as one of them. The Presbyterians thought him half a Presbyterian, and the Friends believed him a wet Quaker.

Craighead had anonymously written the first treatise denouncing the King of England in There, his teachings may have inspired the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, a precursor to Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. Franklin published works of other prominent Presbyterian and Great Awakening ministers: Ralph Erskine, The Gospel Sonnets, "Faith, without trouble or fighting, is a suspicious faith; for true faith is a fighting, wrestling faith"; Josiah Smith, Pastor in Charleston, SC, supported Rev. House of Representatives.]

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