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Beatty Justified In Fahrenheit 451

The totalitarians claim noble goals for book burning. They want to spare citizens unhappiness caused by having to sort through conflicting theories.

Beatty Justified In Fahrenheit 451

Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it. Daily, we face choices about what to eat. Although the government issues ever-changing dietary guidelines, thankfully, the marketplace supports personal dietary decisions ranging from diabetics to vegan. We are free to choose our diet based on our evaluation of the available evidence and the needs of our bodies.

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When we face health issues, decisions become tougher. Others believe high cholesterol is not a health risk and that statins are harmful. I did a little searching and found an article summarizing and documenting the evidence over many years. Since I am actively writing, this is a primal concern for me, and I have stopped taking it. Although experts have knowledge, a free person takes responsibility, makes a choice, and bears the consequences. We never know what the consequences would have been had we made a different choice.

The comfortable people want only wax moon faces, poreless, hairless, expressionless. Often there is no comfortable one-size-fits-all solution to the challenges we face. There are good reasons to be concerned that we are Beatty Justified In Fahrenheit 451 access to information with which to evaluate opposing sides of health issues. In one study, concerns about statin safety were the leading reason patients reported declining a statin, with more than one Beatty Justified In Fahrenheit 451 three patients 37 percent citing fears about adverse effects as their reason for not starting a statin after their physician recommended. Furthermore post-marketing studies have found Lipitor use associated with pancreatitis.

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Finally, peer-reviewed research has reported a relationship between statin use and cataracts. Statins being associated with serious adverse effects has nothing to do with fake news. These are facts. Navar than Dr. Brownstein, but should treatments be dictated by those on one side I the argument? After all, due to human variability, statins may both save some lives and impair or kill other people. With some doctors questioning whether to prescribe statins for everyone, there is a large financial incentive to stifle debate. Can you imagine a future government-controlled health care, completely captured by the pharmaceutical industry, mandating statins for everyone?

Some can. There Beatty Justified In Fahrenheit 451 good reasons to be concerned that we are losing access to information with which to evaluate opposing sides of health issues, like the statin debate.

Beatty Justified In Fahrenheit 451

Google Tips the Scales Mercola. If you were researching statins, you would certainly read several of the numerous essays questioning statin use and the cholesterol theory of heart disease.

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Essays at Mercola. Kelly Brogan is a psychiatrist who has helped thousands of women find alternatives to psychotropic drugs prescribed to treat depression and anxiety. Brogan, Dr. Mercola, and others like them are treated as medical heretics.]

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