Argumentative Essay: Why Dogs Should Be Allowed In Schools - Custom Academic Help

Argumentative Essay: Why Dogs Should Be Allowed In Schools

This: Argumentative Essay: Why Dogs Should Be Allowed In Schools

Thrushcross Grange Analysis 23 hours ago · Why Pets Shouldn,t Be Allowed At School by JASRAJ GILL. Posted: (5 days ago) One Particular reason why pets shouldn't be allowed in school is due to animal related allergies and phobias to pets. This poses hazards for both sides and research proves . 3 days ago · Construct an argumentative essay with support from at minimum 3 SCHOLARLY SOURCES FROM TSTC LIBRARY DATABASES (EBSCOHOST). Should have 6 well written paragraphs, intro, 3+body paragraphs, 1+ refutation, and conclusion. Direct quotes from 3 scholarly sources in the body paragraphs or refutation only (at least 1 quote per paragraph). Quotes should be . 2 days ago · Schools should be able to search students whenever they want to because the school has to be safe, the schools own the lockers, and the school acts as the parents when the students are at school. A huge priority of school is that students should be kept safe, and that happens from staff being allowed to search students.
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Argumentative Essay: Why Dogs Should Be Allowed In Schools Argumentative Essay: Why Dogs Should Be Allowed In Schools

Fish and other aquatic pets are no exception … Not everyone thinks gerbils and hamsters are cute. Pet food might seem cheap 59 cents per can on average… Animals are really good at escaping.

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Ever heard of the Bronx Zoo cobra that escaped a few months … See full list on collegecandy. Millions of kids suffer from allergies and asthma, which can both be triggered or exacerbated by the presence of certain animals and some types of animal bedding. Pets should not be allowed in classrooms because they may receive substandard poor quality care. Pets should not be allowed in classrooms because it is unhealthy for some students. There is no justifiable reason why classrooms should have pets.

Lizards, rodents, dogs, cats, and birds are all unsuitable.

Argumentative Essay: Why Dogs Should Be Allowed In Schools

No matter how nice the cage set up for the pets, a school environment will never be natural. A dog will need to go outside for a few walks, and there could be noise issues from barking or whining.

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Pets also can draw small crowds of employees seeking entertainment, when those employees should be at their desks working. The students will not concentrate on their studies and would learn nothing. The teachers would lose interest in teaching most important the janitors would have to be given a higher pay, or else they would quit their job.

Argumentative Essay: Why Dogs Should Be Allowed In Schools

Cons 1. Well we can't all be perfect. They have allergy pills for a reason. The University has a maintenance staff and they are not going to want to clean up a bunch of dog poop in the grass. There are a slew of reasons why pets should not be allowed in school. One is pet is a Alkowed category of things, a venomous snake can be a pet as well as a dog. Posted: 1 days ago Pets should not be allowed in schools because pets need a lot of attention. Most of students want to bring pets to school because they want a reason to skip class.

Some pets need to go for a walk or needs to be fed. This will make distract the students from learning.

Preventing School Shootings

The problem with bringing pets to school is that not only are some kids allergic to cats and dogs, but it is a significant distraction from their formal education. Never allow children to put their hands or objects including pacifiers in their mouth while around animals.

Posted: 6 days ago Class pets should not be allowed in schools due to the false impression kids get on animals. Now some argue that a class pet makes school enjoyable due to the great learning environment it generates, but it really only teaches kids the wrong way to care for animals. The issues involved with a pet in the classroom are one of the biggest reasons]

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