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Character overview[ edit ] Alex is the narrator in the novel A Victi Orange. The character is portrayed as a sociopath who robs, rapes, and assaults innocent people for his own amusement. Intellectually, he knows that such behaviour is morally wrong, saying that "you can't have a society with everybody behaving in my manner of the night".

He nevertheless professes to be puzzled by the motivations of those who wish to reform him and others like him, saying that he would never interfere with their desire to be good; he simply "goes to the other shop". He speaks Nadsata teenage slang created by author A Victim Treats His Mugger Right Analysis Burgess. The language is based on largely English and Russian words, but also borrows from other sources such as Cockney rhyming slangRomani speech, and schoolboy colloquialisms. His beverage of choice is milk Muvger with various drugs, which he and his fellow gang members "droogs" drink to fortify themselves for "ultraviolence".

Alex is very fond of classical musicparticularly Ludwig van Beethovenwhom he habitually refers to as "Ludwig Van". While listening to this music, he fantasises about endless rampages of rape, torture and slaughter. Alex's favourite melee weapon is a "cut-throat britva", or straight razor.

A Victim Treats His Mugger Right Analysis

link Character biography[ edit ] Alex lives with his parents in a block of A Victim Treats His Mugger Right Analysis in a dystopian England in which his brand of "ultraviolence" is common. At the age of 15, he is already a veteran of state reform institutions; in the film, he is somewhat older. He spends his days skipping school and listening to music, and his nights terrorizing the neighborhood with his "droogs" Georgie, Pete, and Dim. While the youngest of his gang, he is the most intelligent, and designates himself as the leader.

Georgie resents his high-handedness, and begins plotting against him along with the rest of the gang. One night, the gang breaks into a woman's house, and Alex assaults and kills her by ramming her face with a sculpture of a penis and Hi in the book it is a bust of Beethoven.

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http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/sociological-imagination-essay/homelessness-a-sociological-analysis.php As Alex flees from the house after hearing police sirens, Dim hits him with a milk bottle his chain in the book and the gang leaves him to be arrested. Alex is found guilty of murder and sentenced to 14 years in prison. Over the next two years, Alex is a model prisoner, endearing himself to the prison chaplain by studying Trets Bible. He is especially fond of the passages in the Old Testament portraying torture and murder.

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Eventually, prison officials recommend him for the Ludovico Technique, Mugger experimental treatment designed to eliminate criminal impulses. During the treatment, prison doctors inject him with nausea-inducing drugs and make him watch films portraying murder, torture and rape. The treatment conditions him to associate violent thoughts and feelings with sickness.

A Victim Treats His Mugger Right Analysis

Alex is particularly affected by watching footage of Nazi war crimes set to Beethoven's Ninth Symphonyone of his favourite pieces of music; as a result, he can no longer hear it without feeling sick.]

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