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A Separate Peace Stylistic Analysis A Separate Peace Stylistic Analysis

My professor is asking to pick 3 literary works from 3 separate units not modules in oder to present the argument that they can valuably be read in one unit for a specific reason. The professor said: 1. You must create your own theme to unify the works, and it should be a bit more specific than the broad subjects I have used to structure the course, but closer to a true literary theme. Important: You cannot use the subjects and movements we have already covered.

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Thus, an essay could propose, for example, that the three texts are all examples of works concerned with personal economy in the face of global power, denial serving as a motivator, crisis of faith bringing about change ……or any other of potentially thousands of thematic focuses.

These are examples; A Separate Peace Stylistic Analysis must construct your own. In short, you will be linking three previously unlinked Analyis under any new thematic classification you create. In essence, if your theme can be expressed in one or two words, you will likely need to be more specific. Each paper should open with an introductory paragraph hooking the reader, introducing and explaining the background of the issue being discussed, only quickly noting each work; do not spend space in the intro discussing the texts — the essay body will do this.

The intro should include an argumentative thesis.

A Separate Peace Stylistic Analysis

The bulk of the paper should be devoted to each individual work — specifically, how it fits together with the others. You should assume your reader has read each text.

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You will need to reference specific points of action, plot, dialog, symbols or other elements, or descriptions. If you quote from the texts, and you should do so at times for close analysis, you will use MLA format in-text citations. You should conclude without simply repeating your thesis or what you have covered in the essay itself. In fact, avoiding repetition throughout should be a focus in not only this but all good writing. Important: At minimum, you must include on the Works Cited page the citations for each of the 3 readings and the required research. The essay must be a word minimum A Separate Peace Stylistic Analysis a maximum so here The reading that we are allowed to pick from will be listed below.

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